• The Sweetest Thing

    I thought I was going to be able to get away with skipping a post about my last three days in Bangkok, but of course a lot of nice things happened in that time and maybe it’s best I write to inspire others.  Lucy and Mark, a couple that had gone to karaoke with us…

  • Are you tired?

    “I’ve been meaning to go and see Ayutthaya. You wanna go see Ayutthaya with me?” I asked Ricarda. “Are you tired?” “Huh?” “What did you say?” “Ayutthaya.” “Ohhhh! Okay.” It’s easy to say you’re making plans, but when you have days on days to carry them out, it’s hard to make them happen quickly and…

  • You Can(‘t) Sit With Us

    The bus from Siem Reap to Bangkok takes about 9 hours and costs $8-10 depending what bus company you go with. And it’s a tiny bit misleading to say “the bus,” so allow me to explain a bit. At 7AM, you wake up to catch your tuk tuk or van to the bus station. The…

  • Return to Dust

    While deciding what to do for my birthday, I headed back for Phnom Penh with the volunteers of “Project Abroad” and chose to book another three nights in the City of Dust. I’m starting to find out just how much of a foody destination this city can be, with literally any kind of food you…

  • Everything is gay forever

    By the time I was back in Bangkok, I was ecstatic to see Joy again. Not only was she there, but she said, “If you stay a couple day extra, Tor is coming back!” Yessssss. I’m writing this post quite long after the fact of it happening, and I didn’t really see anything new aside…

  • My Buddy the Buddha and the Best Train

    Two days in Bangkok I spent learning about and trying to understand religion, which meant a lot of searching for temples and shrines and watching rituals.      Vesak is one of the most important days in Thai Buddhist culture because they believe it to be the day of the year on which the (Supreme) Buddha…

  • Ritualized Chaos

    Recovery mode was on full throttle for the entire next day. I did not get up for a shower. I did not get up for food. I did not get up for green eggs and ham. Someone once told me that drinking was like a magical way of borrowing fun from the next day. I…

  • An Acorn, a sponge, and Thor walk into a bar…

    “300 baht,” the Tuk Tuk driver said, holding ten fingers up. I scoffed.”No. Goodbye.” “Wait! I give discount.” I stopped and turned around to listen. “250 baht!” “Are you crazy? No!” I repeated.  “Okay, how much?” “30 baht.” He stopped to think for a minute. He had become aware that I knew what I was…