• La Vie en Vert

     Every movement of my body felt like I was breaking through plastic wrap. I was surprised when my arm lifted up to grab a fork from the table, and turning my head to the side sent a little jolt of lightning travel down to my toes. There was no more food on my plate, and…

  • Only the Beginning

    Almost a year ago (or maybe more, I can’t remember), I convinced my grandmother to go on a trip to Ireland with me as a leg of my bigger trip. She seemed excited initially as well as terrified– I knew after going she wouldn’t be so scared, but it was getting to that point that…

  • Ich bin frei, ENDLICH frei

    Gunnar saw me off from the bus station in Braunschweig, making sure I knew exactly where and when the bus would be coming, and the actually deciding to stand next to me to make sure I made it on safely and with all my things. Minus my glasses, everything was still with me… The bus…

  • The Incredible Journey, and the Night of a Thousand CouchSurfers

    After a couple weeks of working at Silva, I was scheduled to go and stay with a CouchSurfing host and meet up with a girl from France so that we could travel around for a day. But the thing to remember while traveling the way I do is that plans, regardless of how far in…

  • The Day of Black Sun

    Checking out the botanical garden in whatever city you’re visiting is generally a good idea. Especially when it’s the second-largest in the country in terms of variety. But all that it moot when the entirety of the garden is covered in enough snow to drown a yeti.  Iceland’s weather is as unpredictable as it is…

  • Oslo, city of snorts

    Wow. So I’ve spent one weekend in Norway and it’s been absolutely amazing and crazy and… I’ll just start with the plane ride.  The family I had met in the airport that knew my host in Drammen, Liv, ended up sitting right front of me on the plane. But in my row, I sat next…