• China, Pt. 2: Politics, Racism, and Being Gay

    To understand anything about China, you have to know a little bit about its history. China occupies one of the longest continuously inhabited spaces on the planet, and currently has a population of nearly 1.4 billion. China was governed under dynastic systems until the turn of the 20th century, and it was only in 1949…

  • Happy Phnom Penh

    Despite all the things wrong with this city; the dust, the insanity of it all, the traffic, the heat, the devastation from which is it still recovering, and the unbridled capitalistic ventures of the money-hungry, Phnom Penh has a lot of really cool stuff to offer people. After seeing the killing fields with the English…

  • Ritualized Chaos

    Recovery mode was on full throttle for the entire next day. I did not get up for a shower. I did not get up for food. I did not get up for green eggs and ham. Someone once told me that drinking was like a magical way of borrowing fun from the next day. I…