• The Incredible Journey, and the Night of a Thousand CouchSurfers

    After a couple weeks of working at Silva, I was scheduled to go and stay with a CouchSurfing host and meet up with a girl from France so that we could travel around for a day. But the thing to remember while traveling the way I do is that plans, regardless of how far in…

  • Northern Hospitality

    As we arrived in Akureyri I could tell this city was going to be even less full of things to do than Reykjavík. But even so, I’d found so many things to entertain myself with in Reykjavík that surely going to a small town would be fine, and Akureyri does not disappoint. However, my stay…

  • The Day of Black Sun

    Checking out the botanical garden in whatever city you’re visiting is generally a good idea. Especially when it’s the second-largest in the country in terms of variety. But all that it moot when the entirety of the garden is covered in enough snow to drown a yeti.  Iceland’s weather is as unpredictable as it is…

  • Interview with Ragnar Ólafsson of Árstíðir

      Árstíðir (English: ‘Seasons,’ website here) is an independent band based out of Reykjavík, Iceland. Their music includes ochestral elements, folk, rock, classical, and are uniquely heavy on vocal talent and lyrical complexity (due to the fact that all of their members sing). Their music often contain motifs that are darker than their incredibly touching melodies and perfect harmonies let…

  • Iceland uses Blizzard. It’s super effective!

    Days pass differently in Iceland than they do in other countries I’ve visited. At this point in the year, Iceland is just beginning to see the sun again for more than a couple hours a day, and the total darkness that eclipsed everything here for three months has fortunately passed. Now, there are about 11…