• Right in the feels

    Kilkenny was the medieval capital of Ireland and we only had one day to see everything we could before heading to Dublin for a few days. It was kind of funny, because when I asked the hostel staff if I could get a map and how long it would take to see the main attractions…

  • Collect memories, not things

    Cork was way crazier than Galway, as the second largest city in the Republic of Ireland. We were there for two full days, and the entire first day was spent walking around the city, looking at churches, and doing something I absolutely despise… Souvenir shopping.  I don’t know what the rest of the family had…

  • Feck it, it’ll be grand

    The next morning we spent sightseeing in the town and made it back early in the afternoon to meet up with Team Craíc to see a old castle situated on the bank of the river Corrib. Two roads lead to the castle, and we chose the shorter one, which turned out to be a terrible…

  • For Heaven’s Sake

    Instead of staying in Dublin, we had booked a hostel in Galway on the opposite side of the country– a four hour bus ride away. After some initial freak-outs over European money being too different to make sense (“But grandma, there are still 100 cents in a euro! It’s just called a euro instead of…

  • This girl is on fire

    I’m not even sure where to start. I haven’t thought of a title that does the past two and a half months justice as I write this. We’ll see where I’m at by the end. I guess I could start by naming a few of my favorite moments. I swear, if everyone asks me, “How…

  • Full Circle

    I’m back in Dublin and it’s wonderful. Too bad I’m only here for one day. Regardless, with my unusually large one-day budget of €43 (after conversion [by the way, don’t utilize the services of currency exchange offices in airports… They rip you off), I planned on having an amazing day. Actually, I guess €8 of…

  • Piggle paggle hargly wobbs

    The name of this blog is how I feel British English speakers might try to make up words for fun. Just by the way.  Things to note about London:  Most people I’ve met here are rude. The “posh” culture is definitely a thing. There were, however, some exceptions.  I was feeling flabby so I went…

  • One rainbow at a time

    For those of you who have followed my blog (or at least seen my post from Nice, France), you’ll recognize Tom. Tom is a Welsh guy, he’s 19 years old, and he’s done more with his life already than I ever will. He’s skydived, WWOOFed, been an LGBT rights activist, traveled all over the place,…

  • Epic shitstorm

    Tuesday morning. The world is quiet. All the drunken Germans and a drunken American lay in their beds sleeping soundly. They have no idea what their travels have in store for them yet. Some good, some bad, and some motherfracking ridiculous.  I forgot to buy breakfast at the supermarket before bed Monday night so I…

  • Der König der Löwen

    So remember how I have this obsession with the Lion King? Well, I do. I know how to sing the songs in several languages. And today, that paid off. I started out the morning eating with Kata in Annascaul with the same view from yesterday. It was significantly wetter and colder than yesterday and I…