• The kindness of strangers

    Today was characterized by several good decisions followed by a bad one follow by tears and relief.  I woke up around one this afternoon because of how late I stayed up last night and also because I’m a little sick. No cough or anything, but my throat is sore and my lets hurt from all…

  • Rain, rain, go away

    This morning I slept in until eleven. It was wonderful. Even after that coffee and tea last night I somehow managed to sleep like a rock. The free breakfast at the hostel was amazing, though. A scone and tea.  I headed out to Dingle on the 11:30 bus and got there at about 1. It…

  • And then bad stuff happened

    Here are some pictures from my bus ride to Cork, and then Cork, and then to Tralee.  Cork: On the way to Tralee:  We arrived in Tralee later than I wanted to so I didn’t get to go to Dingle today like I planned. I’m meeting a couchsurfer there and hiking the Slead Head (or…

  • Last of Dublin

    Yesterday was basically perfect. First I walked more around town and had some local produce for lunch, and then Andy called me up and invited me to go wall rock climbing or whatever it’s called. I think he called it bouldering? I wasn’t really keen on the idea, but I thought, “We’ll, the worst that…

  • Lovelovelove

    DUBLIN IS AMAZING After breakfast I called up my host for tonight, Thiago, and key for directions how to get to his house. Long story short, I got lost, took the wrong bus, and went over a mile too far on the bus I wasn’t supposed to take. At that point, I gave up and…

  • Dublin

    I’ll post details about my flight later because it was interesting but not as interesting as Dublin! We landed yesterday morning at ten til nine (over an hour earlier than we were supposed to due to tailwinds). Getting throug customs wasn’t bad– I had to fill out a card saying where I was going and…