• Travel are hard

    After getting back to Oslo, I met my new host (who prefers not to have his photo on the blog, so I’ll refrain), but it’s been an amazing few days back in the city. Just when I think there’s nothing else to discover, there’s another entirely new section of the city that I haven’t explored…

  • Oops! We did it again

    Ack! So much has happened it’s insane! I have a feeling keeping up with this blog on this tr will be significantly more difficult than last time. But I’ll do my best. So my next stop after Oslo was Drammen, something like half an hour west from the capital city. Initially I had a bit.…

  • Oslo, city of snorts

    Wow. So I’ve spent one weekend in Norway and it’s been absolutely amazing and crazy and… I’ll just start with the plane ride.  The family I had met in the airport that knew my host in Drammen, Liv, ended up sitting right front of me on the plane. But in my row, I sat next…