• Travel are hard

    After getting back to Oslo, I met my new host (who prefers not to have his photo on the blog, so I’ll refrain), but it’s been an amazing few days back in the city. Just when I think there’s nothing else to discover, there’s another entirely new section of the city that I haven’t explored…

  • Oslo, city of snorts

    Wow. So I’ve spent one weekend in Norway and it’s been absolutely amazing and crazy and… I’ll just start with the plane ride.  The family I had met in the airport that knew my host in Drammen, Liv, ended up sitting right front of me on the plane. But in my row, I sat next…

  • On the Road Again

    http://youtu.be/2LeqaIzGk5k  This is my first time taking MegaBus and other than the bus being two and a half hours late in subzero weather, it’s been pretty nice. A middle-aged woman and her seven-year-old daughter took shelter in my car while we waited for the bus, and the little girl explained Minecraft to me while excitedly…