• Korea, what is that?

    One of the perks of dating a travel expert is you might get super cheap and/or free tickets to cool places. Because of some credit card offers I took in the United States, I had enough free airline miles to buy a round-trip off-peak ticket from the U.S. to Europe. And what better person to…

  • Anillos perdidos

    I think traveling with people turned me into too much of a tourist. It’s not terrible, but I feel bad that I haven’t been CouchSurfing with locals and integrating into a social life wherever I go because I’ve been stuck acting as tour guide a bit too much. BUT that’s not to say I haven’t…

  • Eight Trigram Palm Tree

    Having successfully made it to my new home alive, all that remained to do was… live in it. These few weeks in Elche were meant originally to be my “vacation” from vacationing. But once you’re on a roll, that’s difficult to accomplish. First, some background on Elche: As in most of Spain, the city of…

  • The Hotdog That Never Was

    What follows is that account of what NOT to do while traveling alone.    Do as I say, not as I do.  A little bit of what needs to be understood before I tell this story:  By renting a room in Elche for one month, my landlord, Majo, agreed to come give me the keys as…

  • Wind and water

    Eric is hilarious. He introduced himself to me as a drug dealer and a hustler, and I totally believed him because I’m gullible. He always has something ridiculous to say and likes to talk about girls a lot. Jonathan looks really serious all the time but is a ton of fun and wants to be…

  • Earth and Fire

    The past few days in Las Palmas have flown by. It’s very very sad because I’ve met some really cool people and done/seen some amazing things. But… Life goes on!  A CouchSurfer and Gran Canaria native named Moises posted a message on the events page in Gran Canaria about going hiking. There were two others…

  • Under the sea

    Quick post about my second and third day in Gran Canaria.  People who sell tickets are rude. I walked 5km to get to the place that was selling tickets to Fuerteventura. The plan was to take a night ferry, arrive really early in the morning and learn to surf at the hostel I had booked…

  • Utopian Nightmare

     I’m not even sure where to start… Lets begin at the airport.  I had sent out about eight emergency couch requests over couchsurfing. I thought I had someone to stay with in Tenerife but I wasn’t getting any calls back or email responses, so I had to assume it wasn’t going to work out. I…

  • Quickie

    Today I got to see Sevilla. Oh, BOY what a city Sevilla is.  Last night I caught a ride through BlaBlaCar from Murcia to Sevilla. It was about a four hour drive, and I have to say… The countryside here is even more beautiful than eastern Spain. You go from Arizona with palm trees to…

  • The most useless week of my trip

    I’ve been in Murcia for like… A week. I don’t even remember how long I’ve been here because I’ve stayed in the house essentially 90% of the time. I started applying to grad school this week and I had to write three essays since I had down time, and all my… Actually. It doesn’t matter.…