• It’s Not Always Sunny in Philadelphia

    It rained today. All day. A lot. Regardless, I didn’t let that stop me from having a good day. Unfortunately one of the bad things about having a chock-full-of-everything day every day for a week in a half is that it’s really taxing on your brain and eventually all you want to do is sleep.…

  • Not Enough Time

    There is not nearly enough time in the day/this program is not nearly long enough. When it hit me that there are now only four days remaining before I go home, I became really depressed. I’m just now getting to know everyone and settle into life in the big city! Nonetheless I will continue to…

  • Philly Pride!

    So I’ve never been to a Pride parade. Or any kind of Pride event, really. I came out two years ago or so and since then I’ve been on a really long personal journey discovering how diverse the human population really is, and how much culture is associated with each group. It’s really fascinating. So…

  • A Day Off! But Not Really.

    Since it’s a Saturday we didn’t have any talks to go to. The only scheduled event was a picnic-type lunch at the Farmer’s market. Since my computer has not changed its time zone settings since I got here, I thought it was an hour earlier than it actually was, so I made it just in…

  • Accidentally in Love

    So yesterday morning I actually woke up on time which made my whole day 100 times better. My shoe fell apart that morning: So I figured it would be a good idea to go out and buy shoes after our lectures. First, we heard from Dr. Nicole Rust, who does research on the visuoperceptive system.…

  • Chinatown!

    Today was another loonnnnggggg day. Last night we went out to a club to dance and relax after all the straining mental work we’ve been doing. I got to wear a shirt I found in South Philly last night! Only $20! Needless to say we had a lot of fun, and I’m going to skip…

  • Herp Derp

    So I’ve run into about everything today. I ran into a stationary chair, I ran into a wall, I ran into my desk, I ran into multiple people, and I stumbled over just about every crack on the ground downtown. I think I did a good job of hiding it, but it was annoying nonetheless.…

  • Exhaustion Sets In

    I couldn’t take the cold any more so last night I got some extra blankets and now I’m sleeping comfortably under four of them.  After some really horrible nightmares about an unkillable murderer coming after me with a silver knife, I woke up twenty minutes later than I had planned and took the fastest shower…

  • Smart People Things

    Lectures and lecture notes are at the bottom of the page. I didn’t sleep at all Sunday night. The room was insanely cold and all I have is a thin white sheet and a fuzzy blue paperweight to sleep under. Nonetheless I got up early and was ready for a day full of lectures and…

  • Suddenly, people. Hundreds of them. (Well, 22 of them.)

    I slept until 10 this morning (sleep I desperately needed) and upon entering the shower I realized I had no soap or shampoo. I took a shower anyway. Made it to the CVS this morning a few blocks away and then decided to stroll all the way back down to 11th St again to see…